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{{}} Adults
{{accomInfo.children}} Children

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Price NZD {{selectedCalendarDate.totalClassificationPrice}}

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The minimum stay for {{ }} is {{classification.nights }} nights.

Total NZD {{bookingReceipt.totalCurrencyPrice}}


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Price NZD {{selectedCalendarDate.totalClassificationPrice}}

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The minimum stay for {{ }} is {{classification.nights }} nights.

Total NZD {{bookingReceipt.totalCurrencyPrice}}
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The Value of Entering Business Awards


In the competitive landscape of the accommodation industry, standing out can be a significant challenge. One powerful way to elevate your business, attract more guests, and foster growth is by entering industry awards. These accolades do more than decorate your website and reception area with shiny trophies; they provide substantial benefits that can transform your business. Let's explore the key advantages and some prestigious awards your accommodation business should consider entering.

The Benefits of Entering Awards

Enhanced Credibility and Trust

Being nominated for or winning an industry award positions your business as a leader in the field. It’s a stamp of approval from industry experts that signals to potential guests that your accommodation meets high standards of quality and service. This enhanced credibility can be a decisive factor when guests are choosing where to stay.

Increased Visibility and Marketing Opportunities

Industry awards provide a fantastic platform for publicity. The process itself, from nomination to awards night, generates buzz and media coverage. Winning an award can lead to features in industry publications, local news, and social media chatter. These marketing opportunities extend your reach and attract new guests who might not have discovered your business otherwise. Your award recognition can take pride of place on your website and marketing collateral!

Motivation and Recognition

Awards are not just about the business; they recognise the hard work of you and your team. Being part of an award-winning accommodation boosts employee morale and can lead to better job satisfaction and retention. It’s a way to acknowledge and reward your team’s dedication and excellence.

Networking Opportunities

Industry awards ceremonies are excellent networking events. They bring together the best in the business, offering opportunities to connect with peers, potential partners, and industry influencers. These connections can lead to collaborations, partnerships, and new business opportunities.

Benchmarking and Self-Assessment

The process of entering awards often involves a thorough review of your business practices, operations, and achievements. This self-assessment is invaluable as it helps you identify strengths and areas for improvement. Comparing your business against industry standards can drive innovation and continuous improvement.

Awards for Tourism & Accommodation

National Tourism Awards

  • New Zealand Tourism Awards - Organised by Tourism Industry Aotearoa, these awards celebrate the best in the New Zealand tourism industry. Categories range from sustainability and marketing to individual leadership, offering multiple avenues for recognition. In 2024 they have added a new category for the Tourism Excellence Award catering to "micro-businesses" with annual revenue under $1.5m. This category will be popular with smaller hosted accommodation!
  • Australian Tourism Awards - These prestigious awards recognise and promote excellence in tourism across Australia. This awards program kicks off with entering state/territory awards with the winners progressing to compete on the national stage.
  • Fiji Excellence in Tourism Awards - For Fijian businesses, these awards celebrate outstanding achievements in the tourism industry. They are a great way to gain regional recognition and attract international tourists. The awards cover a wide range of categories to reflect the diversity of the tourism sector including for a range of accommodation styles.

Association & Sector Awards

Look for awards that may fit with your specific type of accommodation so you are being judged amongst peers and not batting above your weight, even international awards can suit some types of businesses. If you belong to an industry association or network they may offer annual award opportunities. Here's a sample of some you may wish to aim for:

Maximise the Benefits of Awards

  • Promote Your Achievements: Make sure to share your award nominations and wins across all marketing channels—website, social media, newsletters, and in-house displays.
  • Engage with the Community: Use your award status to engage with your local community and industry. Host events, participate in speaking opportunities, and be a thought leader.
  • Leverage Media Opportunities: Take advantage of press releases and media coverage to spread the word about your success.
  • Encourage Guest Reviews: Awards boost your credibility; use this as a hook to encourage guests to leave positive reviews online.

Entering industry awards is not just about winning; it’s about the journey of striving for excellence and the growth that comes with it. By taking part, your accommodation business can gain recognition, drive business growth, and cement its reputation as a leader in your sector of the industry. So, take the leap, enter those awards, and watch the benefits roll in!

Posted by Website Admin on June 03, 2024