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{{}} Adults
{{accomInfo.children}} Children

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From NZD {{classification.price}} per night
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Price NZD {{selectedCalendarDate.totalClassificationPrice}}

There are no current rooms selected. To make a booking, select from the available dates for your preferred accommodation.

The minimum stay for {{ }} is {{classification.nights }} nights.

Total NZD {{bookingReceipt.totalCurrencyPrice}}


{{accomInfo.checkInDateLabel}} Check In Date required.



X Remove Selection

Price NZD {{selectedCalendarDate.totalClassificationPrice}}

There are no current rooms selected. To make a booking, select from the available dates for your preferred accommodation.

The minimum stay for {{ }} is {{classification.nights }} nights.

Total NZD {{bookingReceipt.totalCurrencyPrice}}
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You have chosen non-consecutive days, please adjust your booking. To book non-consecutive days, please make two separate bookings

Customer Spotlight: Marchburn


Graeme & Donna are hosts of Marchburn Country Lodge, located on the Otago Rail Trail in the heart of Central Otago. 

We are proud to enjoy an ongoing partnership with Marchburn to provide ResBook and their themed website, both key online tools to drive direct bookings. Marchburn are a themed website subscriber and their recent new website was launched at no extra cost as a result of the 3-year free website offer available with our monthly subscription plan. This is a great way to manage website costs in tough times with a monthly fixed price, be assured of a new fresh website every 3 years, and take advantage of exclusive ResBook customer pricing for the subscription fee.

What do you see as the biggest challenge for next season?

Graeme: The big challenge for next year is establishing a new level of quality for our customers. It is inevitable for quality to drop over time due to the effects of (daily) repetition. So we need to examine each process of our customer experience and reinvent it. This will give both us as hosts, and customers, an invigorating freshness through the elimination of tired and uninspired behaviours that have crept into our hosting routines over time.

What is one piece of advice you would give someone who is looking to start an accommodation business?

Graeme: Ask yourself what it is that would make you happy enough to remember your visit forever. For us, we look for our customers to be genuinely delighted by some thoughtful acts we can provide as hosts. If you can demonstrate that you have understood who your guests actually are, your thoughtful acts for them will remain as a pleasant memory for them forever. So, because this personal approach matters most for us, embark on an enterprise that truly reflects your own interests and beliefs so that it never becomes an effort to be kind. Effortless service is the goal.

How has ResBook helped you and your business?

Graeme: Because of the answers I have given to both questions above, I need administrative tools that are effortless to work with, and are fun to use. I put ResBook in this category (alongside Xero accounting). Both these apps do much more than I could ever use. But what small amount of functionality of each app I do use, it is easy to work with, fully functional for all parties, and most of all, fun.

Admin and back office duties have been made into effortless tasks thanks to ResBook.

What is your favourite feature / function of ResBook and why?

Graeme: My favourite feature/function of ResBook is the Invoice. One push of the invoice button and seconds later, an accurate and fully informative invoice has been emailed to it's destination. In 10 years of operation, we have never had an invoice unpaid. And that fact confirms that our service goals in our business have been successfully met. Moreover those goals have been proven to be what the travelling public desire and cherish. Our original instincts have proved to be correct. And ResBook is a key player in that achievement because it is "effortless fun" to use.

Posted by Website Admin on May 20, 2024