No residencies available with current selection. try modifying your search.

Check in {{accomInfo.checkInDate}}
Check Out {{accomInfo.checkOutDate}}
{{}} Adults
{{accomInfo.children}} Children

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From NZD {{classification.price}} per night
Enquire Only


  • Available
  • Booked
  • Your selected dates
  • Special / Available
Rates are not available for some of the selected dates. Continuing to book this date will result in a request and we will email you back to advise the status

Your Booking

{{accomInfo.checkInDateLabel}} Check In Date required.



X Remove Selection

Price NZD {{selectedCalendarDate.totalClassificationPrice}}

There are no current rooms selected. To make a booking, select from the available dates for your preferred accommodation.

The minimum stay for {{ }} is {{classification.nights }} nights.

Total NZD {{bookingReceipt.totalCurrencyPrice}}


{{accomInfo.checkInDateLabel}} Check In Date required.



X Remove Selection

Price NZD {{selectedCalendarDate.totalClassificationPrice}}

There are no current rooms selected. To make a booking, select from the available dates for your preferred accommodation.

The minimum stay for {{ }} is {{classification.nights }} nights.

Total NZD {{bookingReceipt.totalCurrencyPrice}}
You have chosen non-consecutive days, please adjust your booking. To book non-consecutive days, please make two separate bookings
You have chosen non-consecutive days, please adjust your booking. To book non-consecutive days, please make two separate bookings

Boot Camp to Grow Your Business & Profitability

This online Boot Camp, with Marketing Director and Tourism Consultant Gina Paladini, is tailored towards helping your business identify its strengths and weaknesses, optimise current strategies, and develop a roadmap for growth and increased profitability.

Intensive 5-Day Coaching Programme!

Only $199 per person

The Boot Camp comprises 5 daily 'Learning Lunch Style' 1-hour online sessions completed in a week with interactive exercises and downloadable worksheets. Coached by Gina Paladini with a maximum of 20 in the group, there's a Boot Camp available in the 2nd week of every month (excluding December & January). The Boot Camp comes with the following bonus materials:

  • A curated list of online resources
  • Private Bootcamp Facebook Group
  • Marketing templates/worksheets relevant to tourism businesses
  • Access to a recording of each boot camp session for 14 days




Day 1: Building Your Tourism Dream

Why It's Important: Even established businesses can benefit from revisiting their core vision and target market.

What's Included:

  • Re-evaluating your business mission & unique selling proposition (USP)
  • Analysing your current customer base & identifying ideal customer
  • Understanding the evolving tourism landscape and customer trends

Impact: A clear understanding of your USP and ideal customer allows you to refine your offerings, marketing messages, and overall customer experience, leading to increased bookings and customer loyalty.

Worksheet Activity: Hedgehog Matrix + Ideal Customer Profile Worksheet

Day 2: The Power of Marketing – Fix Your Marketing Mix

Why It's Important: Your existing marketing efforts may have room for improvement.

What's Included:

  • Assessing the effectiveness of your current brand story and marketing messages
  • Optimising your brand story for better engagement and emotional connection with your ideal customer
  • Identifying the most effective marketing channels for reaching your target audience.

Impact: Optimising your marketing messages for better conversion rates translates into more website visitors turning into paying customers and increased revenue.

Worksheet Activity: "Marketing Audit Tool": Review marketing mix options and what is best for who, what and why allowing you to allocate resources more efficiently and maximise your marketing ROI.

Day 3: Mastering Your Online Presence

Why It's Important: Your website is a crucial sales tool, but visitors may not be converting into bookings.

What's Included:

  • Website optimisation best practices for the tourism industry
  • Calculating your conversion rate and how to optimise it (CRO). Strategies to improve website lead generation
  • Optimising online listings and presence on platforms like OTAs and Google My Business

Impact: By optimising your website and distribution channels for conversion, you can significantly increase the number of visitors who book directly with you, boosting your bottom line and reducing reliance on potentially high commission OTA bookings.

Worksheet Activity: How to calculate your conversion rate worksheet. Reviewing your GA4 to understand your website performance e.g. where visitors drop off during the booking process helps you streamline the process, address any user experience issues, and ultimately capture more bookings.

Day 4: Sales & Distribution Strategies

Why It's Important: Maximising revenue goes beyond simply filling rooms or running tours.

What's Included:

  • Revenue management strategies for the tourism industry
  • Upselling and cross-selling techniques to increase revenue per booking

Impact: Learning revenue management strategies allows you to adjust pricing based on demand, create attractive packages for upselling, increase revenue streams and cross-selling, and ultimately increase your profit margins.

Worksheet Activity: Revenue Stream Checklist 

Day 5: Tools & Resources for Success

Why It's Important: Streamlining operations and automating tasks frees up your time to focus on further growth.

What's Included:

  • Identifying essential travel technology tools for your business
  • Tools for automating tasks like marketing, email communication, and booking management
  • Customer relationship management (CRM) and online reputation management strategies.

Impact: Utilising digital tools allows you to handle more bookings efficiently, manage customer relationships more effectively, and ultimately serve a larger clientele without feeling overwhelmed.

Worksheet Activity: "Business Process Automation Audit": Identifying areas where tools can be used to automate tasks allows you to free up your time for strategic planning, marketing, and providing exceptional customer service.

By focusing on optimising existing strategies and leveraging technology for automation and scalability, this bootcamp equips "surviving" tourism businesses with the tools and knowledge to transition towards thriving in the competitive travel industry.